This article provides management advice, includes descriptions of common leg health issues and offers strategies to improve the leg health of broiler breeders, with a particular emphasis on the production period. Read more
Eggs laid on the floor (floor eggs) have a significantly higher risk of contamination and will reduce hatch and chick quality. The key to preventing floor eggs is early training of birds to use the nests. This Best Practice document details the key best management practices … Read more
Eggs laid on the floor (floor eggs) have a significantly higher risk of contamination and will reduce hatch and chick quality. The key to preventing floor eggs is early training of birds to use the nests. This Best Practice document details the key best management practices … Read more
Az Energiát gyakran az „Élet üzemanyagának” nevezik. Elsősorban az alapanyagcseréhez szükséges (életfenntartó energia).Ez a cikk azért jött létre, hogy megpróbáljon a termelési szakembereknek, a szülőpár állományok energia ellátásához szükséges döntésekben segíteni. Read more
This is a short technical article written by Dr Marcelo Silva. The article discusses the need for a holistic strategy for feeding the modern broiler breeder in order to maximize their reproductive potential. Read more
One of the most challenging aspects of managing any generation of birds is that of environmental control in open-sided houses. In regions where the hot weather season can see temperatures reaching 40C (104F), it is essential to pay extra attention to bird management. Read more
One of the most challenging aspects of managing any generation of birds is that of environmental control in open-sided houses. In regions where the hot weather season can see temperatures reaching 40C (104F), it is essential to pay extra attention to bird management. Read more
This document is a practical, on-farm tool aimed at helping farmers identify hatching egg shell issues. For each egg shell abnormality there is a picture showing what the abnormality looks like, which is linked to a table detailing the causes and solutions associated with th… Read more
A hatchery which is sited at high altitude (1500 meters (4921 feet) or more above sea level) faces some particular challenges; slower embryo growth, longer incubation periods and lower hatchability have to be expected. With better understanding of the principles involved, p… Read more
A hatchery which is sited at high altitude (1500 meters (4921 feet) or more above sea level) faces some particular challenges; slower embryo growth, longer incubation periods and lower hatchability have to be expected. With better understanding of the principles involved, p… Read more